Release Radar #93

Its time once again to take a look at 5 new releases.

A Weight that I can’t stand – Downcast

Starting off with up-beat guitars, the song quickly introduces the vocals into the mix, keeping the soft vibe on the verse, the chorus takes its pounding drums and distorted guitars to a louder level. The second verse changes the instrumentation around, but returns to the chorus with a bang. The bridge continues the feel of the chorus taking it a little slower before getting to the closing chorus.

Lyrically the song talks about someone wasting their time and using them to feel better.

What I like about this song is the contrast between the harder choruses and mellow verses, giving the chorus its emotional kick.  

Kicking It – Mason Levi

Kicking right of with guitar, drums and vocals in the form of the first chorus. The song slows down for a moment at the first verse. The song quickly returns to its chorus. Taking things slower on the verse once again. The chorus hooks you back in, lengthening into a bridge. An instrumental break introduces one last chorus.

Lyrically the song talks about a love you keep coming back too, even after breaking up multiple times.

What I like about this song is its momentum, which makes it fly by in a moment.   

Self-Sow – Ok Cool

Opening with dreamy guitars, the songs vocals are introduced with an effect to them, the dreamy vibes continue throughout, pulling you away in their dreamy feels and soft indie feel.

Lyrically the song seems to deal with the motion of life.

What I like is the dreamy vibe the song has all over, making you float away while listening.

You & Me – Hazel

Fading in with some ambient sounds, the song quickly introduces guitar, drums, and vocals. Flowing with the dark feel of the song. The chorus introduces a vocal highpoint, with slow guitar backing it. The second verse flows from the chorus, building slowly towards a louder second chorus, which mellows down into instrumentals at the end of the song.  

Lyrically the song feels mostly like an ode to a lost love.

What I like about this song is the emotional feel, in some ways it reminded me of a “Mayday Parade” song.


Opening with static effects the song adds vocals and bass first, before kicking of fully with al instruments to eleven, the verse takes it down a little, but alternates with the loud parts of the song. An instrumental break introduces the second verse kicking back to the louder chorus once again. More instrumentals are added to introduce the bridge, slowing down and building up once again to the chorus, which also marks the end of the song.

Lyrically the song is just a party anthem

What I like about this song is the hard-hitting chorus, which quickly alternates with some slower parts.

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